Friday, March 18, 2011
Howdy! :)

So, I didn't manage going to see Adjustment Bureau or Red Riding Hood yet...BUT I did screen Paul last night!


I honestly was expecting Paul to be a bit more stupid funny. Instead, you are treated to a crude humored "ET" storyline. Which wasn't all that bad. If this movie had a different cast, I might have been disappointed. I mean, who doesn't love Simon Pegg? (Rhetorical.) Pegg plays a British nerd named Graeme (pronounced "gram") visiting America's famous nerd get-together, Comic-Con, in California with his best friend Clive, played by Nick Frost. Then of course there's Seth Rogen. Not everyone likes him, I know that, but he is a fantastic voice actor. Rogen, of course, is Paul. The newly escaped from Area 51 alien.
The previews make the movie out to be a comedy that'll keep you laughing the whole way through. At least that's what I thought. The beginning is not "slow" per-say...but instead you're getting a look at who your main characters are. British comic book geeks with a love of the extraterrestrial. Graeme and Clive are on a dream adventure. Comic-Con followed by a tour of California and Nevada's alien famous tourist sites: The Black Box, a few alleged UFO crashes, and of course, Area 51.

SIDE NOTE: I want to point out that when Simon Pegg's character pronounced "Nevada" "Nev-aw-duh"...No one who screened the movie flinched. Why is it okay for the British to mis-pronounce our state's name? Not that I'm mad about it...I didn't flinch either.

Paul the alien is adorable. Like in Battle: LA, Paul looks like the stereotypical movie alien. Long skinny body, big head. Only difference is that named Paul...Not some "space" name. He also speaks English. He even smokes! He's pretty much as American as you and me, only he has supernatural powers, but that's kind of a spoiler alert if I reveal them here. Especially since when Paul reveals one of them, it's a maaaajor foreshadowing moment.
Like I said, Seth Rogen did an awesome job as Paul. He was rude, funny, gets what he wants, etc. But there's a soft side to him too that would make any girl in the theater love him. Does that mean that this movie might flop with all the guys going to see it? Maybe. Like I said, and I want to make sure it's's not going to be funny the ENTIRE time.

The other characters in the movie were fun too. I haven't really been a fan of Jason Bateman, but he's starting to grow on me a little. Bateman plays Agent Zoil, who was sent from Area 51 to find Paul and bring him back, or does he have a different motive? Oooh I'm so mysterious. ;)
There are also two cops on the trail of Paul, although they have no idea that's who they're after. These guys are basically there for more comedy. At one point, they have to make a road block to investigate any passer-bys vehicles, but they get bored and start playing hide and seek behind cactus...Ha.

There's also one more character that...I am choosing not to reveal who plays 'em. It's one of the bosses at Area 51. They're the one that sent out Zoil to bring Paul back. It's kept a secret via phone conversations, hand shots, and back of the head shots through the whole movie who it is until the very end. Although, if you can't tell who's voice it is...I'm disappointed in you.
A hint? ....this actor belongs in a movie about aliens. Yikes, I've said too much....

Should you see it? Fan of Rogen, Pegg, or Frost...Yes, yes you should. It's good fun.
Other notes: It's Nev-ADD-uh for my non-British friends out there.

Movies releasing next week:

Sucker Punch (I sure do hope Vanessa Hudgens isn't in it that much...I might throw up)
Diary of a Wimpy Kid: Rodrick Rules (the first one was okay, so I may see this one)
Peep World (Might screen this one if we get it. I want to save Sucker Punch to see it with a friend of mine. Plus, it'll be fun to review a movie I haven't even heard of...)

Thanks for reading! :)

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