Friday, March 11, 2011
Battle: LA (D-box) Spoiler Alert!
First off, Helloooo! I haven't been able to review a movie for the past 3 weeks due to moving into a new apartment and we have yet to set up our internet. I'm using my roommate's mom's connection right now. :/

Second, run down of D-Box for those who don't know what it is:
Our theater recently had D-Box seats installed in one of our theaters and it's been doing pretty good business, I think. Why are these seats so special? They move with the movie. "It's the new way movies will move you." Oh, punny. :P
Well, every month there's a new movie featuring the seats, and this month it's Battle: LA. Now, the seats DO make the ticket price a bit...more ridiculous... $8 extra. Even for the employees! We at least only have to pay the $8 seat activation. But during the screening...all the seats have to be turned on to ensure they if employees happen to be sitting in them at the time... ;)

Battle: LA

Before I begin, I want to say that I wasn't going to see this movie. I wanted to screen Red Riding Hood, but I really couldn't pass up D-Box. It's so much fun.....with the right movie.
Was Battle: LA the right movie for D-Box? I didn't think so. I want to express, though, that this isn't the type of movie I like to watch in the first place. It seemed like the movie was only made to show off the special effects. There wasn't really a story you wanted to follow. Some experienced Marine lost the last battle he was in, losing all of his men, and coming home everyone thinks he just let them die. The other Marines in the movie...I honestly couldn't tell you their names. I just didn't care for ANY of these characters...The only exception would be the children, but, that's sort of a given because kids in movies like this are as cute as they could possibly be to build up tension for when they get attacked by the aliens. No one wants to watch kids die...sorry, no one with a heart would want to watch kids die.

The aliens...cliche. Weird shaped heads, elongated bodies, weird language, landing in the United States in one of the more populated areas...typical alien movie stuff. And apparently "hard to kill"...for the first half of the movie. They're attacked about 3 times before they finally capture one of the aliens to figure out how to kill it. They locate the heart that's under about 3 layers of alien skeleton that they pry off for like 5 minutes, stab it, then it dies. Here's the kicker...Guess where the heart's located? IN THE SAME SPOT AS OURS. After they learn where the heart is, the aliens go down easier. How stupid. After how much trouble they went through to get to the heart of the dying one, their guns can suddenly hit the heart that's in a spot Marines are trained to aim at with ease? Ugh.

The D-Box part was okay, I guess. It was fun while they were in helicopters, but overall it was just a bunch of shaking when a bomb goes off. There were even parts when I asked myself "why isn't the chair moving for this?" Eh.

The music was cheesy too! It got all sweet and sad whenever someone is apologizing, ready to die, or have a back story. It might have been appropriate music to play if I cared about any of these people...

Should you see it? If you like alien encounter, action movies...Yes.
D-Box? I'd give it a try if you're willing to pay $8 for it. Just don't expect it to be like Tron.
Other comments? I really don't like the actress Michelle Rodriguez (Fast & Furious, Avatar). She's obviously one-note picking the SAME role. She's trying too hard.

Hopefully I'll have internet next week! I want to try and review Red Riding Hood and Mars Needs Moms before Thursday.

Movies releasing next week

Limitless (mmm...Bradley Cooper)
Paul (Seth Rogen, Simon Pegg) <---Screening this one! Hah!
The Lincoln Lawyer (...never heard of this one. Might not get it at our theater)