Tuesday, February 8, 2011
Black Swan
WOW. Black Swan is fantastic! It's been a long long time since a movie has left me completely baffled by what I saw. I went to see it with a friend that was also excited about the movie since it was directed by Darren Aronofsky, who is known for twisted movies, such as; Requiem for a Dream. Man, was it twisted!

The story is about a ballerina, Nina (Natalie Portman) that snags the role of the Swan Queen in her studio's production of Swan Lake. Kudos to Portman! I cannot even imagine how severe her training must have been for this film! The opening scene is a dream Nina is having about her getting the leading role, and the choreography was entrancing to watch!

The Story of Swan Lake
Princess Odette falls in love with a prince, but she is cursed by a warlock. The curse turns her into a white swan. The only way for her to be set free from the curse is by the love of the prince. Just as he is about to proclaim his love for her, he's seduced by Odette's evil twin sister, the black swan. Devastated, the white swan kills herself.
After getting the lead part in Swan Lake, to put it mildly...she gets stressed out. She starts seeing things in mirrors, pulling her skin off, an alter-ego chases her around...and she gets paranoid beyond belief when she meets a new girl at the studio, Lily (Mila Kunis). Nina's paranoia that she's going to lose her role to Lily is interesting. There are moments when Nina sees herself when Lily looks or talks to her, and it gets so confusing that you start to question whether what's happening now is really happening, or all in Nina's head. It's crazy!
This film is up for Best Picture and I have no problem with that. It deserves the nomination! Personally though, I think it'll win in the other category it's up for: Best Cinematography. The camera work throughout the whole movie pretty much keeps your eyes glued to the screen. Tons of close-ups, fast angles, etc.
I can go on for days about how many contrasts there were throughout the whole film. In the beginning, Nina is wearing all white...when I noticed that, I took a look at everyone else. Supporting characters, extras...ALL of them were wearing black. Then as the plot progressed, Nina starts wearing more black, everyone else: white.
Also, other effects keep you engrossed with what's going on with Nina. Examples: Whenever Nina is about to have another 'vision' you hear a woman's sigh. A group of people walk or run past Nina, you hear ruffling of feathers instead of stomping feet. As Nina begins to feel more like the "Black Swan" her skin starts to look more and more bird-like...it's crazy stuff!
I loved this film. I didn't find myself bored at any moment, you question what's happening, what just happened, etc....Oh. It'll drive you crazy. Not like Nina, hopefully.

Should you see it? If you liked anything else the director has done or you like freakin twisted movies...then yes, definitely.
Best Picture of 2010? It's been getting praise ALL over the place in the film industry...I still think Inception should win, but if Black Swan takes the prize, I'll be pleased just the same. :)
Natalie Portman-Best Actress? YES YES YES YESSSS
Other thoughts: I REALLY think this film should have been nominated for Best Art Direction. It was beautiful!

Warnings: It's rated 'R' for a reason. Please don't be like a woman at work that I had to discourage taking her two 8 year old nieces to see this. Violence, sex, drugs...everything a rated 'R' movie is. Duh.