Monday, April 25, 2011
Pixar Round-up!
Hey-lo everyone!

OK! This isn't a review, but I'm bored, and I feel like posting something. How about the latest Disney/Pixar movie news? Mmmmmk!

Cars 2

As everyone's probably aware, Cars 2 is releasing on June 24th. Personally, I'm a little nervous.

My concerns:
A spy movie? Really?
Where the HELL is Sally??
Is it Maters movie?

Ok. Pixar has yet to fail in making a fantastic movie. And the evidence this one will also be fantastic is pretty hefty. I mean, they managed making the Toy Story franchise work with sequels (I no longer consider them separate movies.) so hopefully the same can be said with Cars. John Lasseter (the reincarnation of Walt Disney?) took the directing reins just as he did with the first Cars. He KNOWS how to tell a good story, obviously. 
So why am I so nervous about this movie? The trailer plays in the lobby at work several times a day, and I can't stand watching it. It's just so, so awful. It looks like we're going to be following Mater the whole time while Lightning is in the background turning left. Don't get me wrong, I LOVE Mater...but when I think of "Cars" I see Lightning McQueen. Not a rusty truck. Also, the writing sounds pathetic. 
"Instead of sayin 'Ka-chow' he's gonna go 'Ka-boom!' "
"Lightning needs your help, Mater! Are you ready?" ... "Is the Pope-mobile Catholic?" 
*rolls eyes*

As for the Where's Sally? question...she had BETTER be in the movie, so help me...they better not pull a stunt like they did in An Extremely Goofy Movie and not even mention Roxanne!
All I have to say is, she'd better not be traveling with the gang because she has to stay home with her and Lightning's kids. >_>

You can bet I'll be reviewing it here once it's out. I won't hold back if I didn't like it either. I'll be taking it as a personal insult from Pixar if it's just them making a sequel for the sake of making a sequel.

Newt- Cancelled! was cancelled mid-preproduction. Didn't know about it? Yeah, no one did. Sooo...

Brave- June 2012

I am SO excited for this movie for multiple reasons. 
Um, it's Pixar.
It's Pixar's first female lead.
Pixar's first "fairy tale"
First female director ---> 
She dropped out and supposedly left the studio indefinitely. No one knows why...

It was originally going to be named The Bear and the Bow, which I think is more interesting, but Pixar has a thing for short, metaphorical titles. Brave was a nice change.

What is this movie about? I couldn't really tell ya. There's not much given on the plot. Princess Merida is an archer and wants to make a career of it, but when she goes off in pursuit of that dream, it puts her kingdom and mother in danger. And there's a bear somewhere in the mix.

I LOVE concept art. Here's some of the most recent pieces leaked on the interwebs for Brave :)

There's a bear in the one above! Do ya see it? Huh? Huh?! </nerdyexcitement>

Isn't it beautiful? If you couldn't tell, it's set in Scotland. That's a first for Pixar too. We've been in America, Australia, France, Radiator Springs (which, I guess is America too? Route 66 and such...)

Well, one of the few reasons why I can't wait for Cars 2 is that there will most likely be a teaser trailer for Brave in front of it. Right now they're in "crunch time" to make that teaser though...

Monsters Inc. 2----> Now named Monsters University: November/December 2012

YEP! We're getting TWO Pixar movies in one year, folks! Two movies, that I am beyond stoked for. One being a completely new story, characters, etc, and one that continues the story of characters I absolutely love.

Monsters University is going to be a prequel to Monsters Inc. At first, I didn't like the idea. Mainly because I WANT TO KNOW WHAT HAPPENED TO BOO! I was SO convinced that one of the little girls in Toy Story 3 was a slightly older Boo. :(

But, after thinking about's another Pixar first. And I have to say, I am curious as to how Mike and Sully became best buds.

So, naturally, we can assume that the movie will start off with them hating each other, but by the end of the movie realize they make an awesome scaring team and nail one of the biggest jobs a monster can get. Scarers at Monsters Inc.
It would also be interesting to see if they use some of the concepts they originally had for the original Monsters Inc. Sully wasn't a Scarer (not at first, anyway). He worked in the tunnels as a lowly maintenance man/monster/guy.

Toy Story 4. Not likely. But there are going to be Toy Story short films airing in the very very near future. (ie. another reason why we should look forward to Cars 2.)

Well, that's all I can think of. Hope I told you something you didn't already know!

By the way, you guys are awesome. I am SO excited with how many people read this...I just have one request? 
Let me know who you are! Comment here, on my facebook, something! I like seeing how many views I get, but I'm curious as to who it is doing the viewing. Haha <3