Sunday, February 27, 2011
My absence means NOTHING! :P review of I Am Number Four didn't happen to my love of living. We were hit with a snow storm here in Nevada, and my little car refuses to cooperate with it. Especially since I work in a theater on a hill...

Basically... Hill + Snow= Ice + My car = death/exaggeration.

Like my math? I do.

Anyway! I also didn't see a movie last Thursday because of the weather again, but also because I wasn't really feeling it. Of the two movies (Drive Angry, Hall Pass) I would have picked Hall Pass to see.
I am not EVEN going to start on my hate rant of Nicolas Cage.

Well, anyway...

The Academy Awards are TONIGHT and the benefit of being on the West Coast is that I don't have to wait till 8pm like the East Coasters. AHAH! :D 5pm tonight I am going to my friend April's (she's just as excited as me. maybe more so.) house to watch it. I made brownies. Life is good. :)

Of COURSE I'm going to have an update about the whole show. Probably tomorrow though. Depending on when it gets over, my roommate will probably be sleeping, and me furiously typing away on my computer might make her angry.



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